Build Your Own Pavilion

Freya, age 11

Trees and Bees Pavilion: The bees are below, locked in, but we go around and around and the path only leads back to nature and the trees. On the other side, even the blue sky is fake, and there is a roof instead of trees, letting in no light. The tree side has green glass, letting in the light. The grass is our lawns, showing that this is not really nature, just our idea of what it should be. We should be in the forest with the bees.

The brown pillars are wood. The roof is made of wood. Pillars are glass. Window along the side is glass. There is no plastic. Steps are stone. Grass is real.

It is a good public space because people can sit on the grass or in the shade. They can feel the difference between the green tree area and the built area.

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