Build Your Own Pavilion

Aalina, age 13

My Pavilion will be located in a forest or field. People will visit to relax and have some peace. My Pavilion offers reading facilities, a view of nature and a bench/bed. This Pavilion will be made from hard-wearing glass.

Open-planned public spaces are the best kind. I want city planners and architects to make the best use of the space, don’t waste any land. 

1 comment

  • Hi Aalina,

    This looks like a great place to chill, plenty of sunlight, just make sure you think about ventilation and how to cool things down if it gets too hot.

    I love your idea of locating it in a forest, maybe you could introduce materials that help it blend in with the trees.
    The dappled light from the leaves and the bird songs would be amazing, a super place to relax and read a book.

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