Commended Entries: 11-14 Years Category
2nd Feb 2016This post celebrates the commended entries for the 11-14 years category. We were thrilled with the level of skill and imagination shown throughout the competition. But these young architects were chosen by the judges for a special mention either as runners up or commended entrants for the promise shown.
Serpentine Galleries Director Julia Peyton-Jones said: ‘We will be looking out for these rising stars over the coming years.’
First runner up Nadir, aged 13, was inspired by the arches and columns of Roman architecture with this beautiful design.
11 year-old Caspar’s vivid design echoed the colours of summer.
13 year old Hannah’s simple but sophisticated paper Pavilion was made as part of our Edinburgh workshop.
Diego’s, aged 13, elegant and modern Pavilion focused on aesthetic harmony.
Yash, aged 13, used wire and straws to create a twisting, futurist structure.