My Pavilion can be found in the sea. Only members and friends will be able to visit. The pavilion will offer a place to watch films and play games, it has free wi-fi too! It is made from glass, steel , solar panels and is hydro electric.
1 comment
Out to sea is a really imaginative location for your pavilion! This provides a level of privacy which means you don’t need very enclosed walls, since the sea itself becomes your defensive moat. Making use of the energy from the waves and sun is a fantastic idea, which will allow you to power all the electronic facilities you imagine.
Thank you for my commendation. I am really pleased. I really enjoyed taking part and creating the buildings, i'd like to be an architect when I'm older. Also thanks to GagarinStudio for putting on their workshop in the North. x...
Out to sea is a really imaginative location for your pavilion! This provides a level of privacy which means you don’t need very enclosed walls, since the sea itself becomes your defensive moat. Making use of the energy from the waves and sun is a fantastic idea, which will allow you to power all the electronic facilities you imagine.