My Pavilion will be placed in the woods, where everyone who wants to visit can come and relax next to the fountain. The structure will offer rocks to sit on. The pavilion will be made from wood, rocks, water and metal.
1 comment
Love the focus on wood rocks water and metal in this pavilion and that everyone is able to enjoy this space. The glass roof will certainly provide a great meditative space with a view of the sky and trees above.
Thank you for my commendation. I am really pleased. I really enjoyed taking part and creating the buildings, i'd like to be an architect when I'm older. Also thanks to GagarinStudio for putting on their workshop in the North. x...
Love the focus on wood rocks water and metal in this pavilion and that everyone is able to enjoy this space. The glass roof will certainly provide a great meditative space with a view of the sky and trees above.