Lucrezia, age 9
My pavilion is located in Hyde Park, London. I tried to make it look like a fortune teller’s tent, to give it that mysterious, becoming effect, that makes people want to investigate. I thought that it would be the perfect adventure for curious children, as I wanted it to be used be children. It could also be used as a quiet place to read and relax, play games, meet up with people and even to shelter. I would build it with a transparent plastic covering with a pattern of snow on it to cover it, and then, to give it that fortune teller affect, another draping of soft, beach material, to make it child friendly. I hope that children will be attracted by it. I would have used small, thick, wooden sticks to hold it up, giving it it’s triangular form. The floor will give my pavilion it’s twist, a funky material with fruits changing into flowers when you move. It also has a 3D look, and is especially for children. Inside, to disguise the sticks, glass will cover what you can see of the sticks. Inside, there will be soft, bouncy cushions, and next to it there will be bookcases and board games.