Cipriano, age 13
My Pavilion is a maze, located in Hyde Park. I was inspired by hedge mazes, for example in Hampton Court Palace, but I added my own twist. Anyone can use it as it is a fun unique maze to puzzle your brain. The build consists of glass poles (but I used coloured straws) as the walls of the maze. This feature allows light to shine through and air to flow through the gaps so you won’t feel claustrophobic.
The roof will also be glass (but on the model it is paper), and the floor will be a spongy rubbery floor use in sports gyms. My pavilion is a good public space because it’s fun to try and complete it and you will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when you complete it.
As it is glass you can see the gallery through it but a distorted version so it will confuse you when you try the maze. My pavilion is unique because there is no other maze like it and most of them are closed off to the outside