What My Pavilion Means To Me
19th Aug 2015Since we launched the Build Your Own Pavilion competition we’ve had some fantastic entries from around the UK. Alongside the photographs of your models there have been some really interesting descriptions about the ideas behind each design.
We think they’re so good we wanted to share them with as many people as possible so we’ve added a ‘More’ button at the top right hand corner of each image. If you click on it a captions box pops up with any additional information we’ve received from you about your Pavilions.
Here are a few from Maria, Sam, Reece, Szymon and Peter to give you a sense of the wonderful explanations that have been coming through. Why not head over to the ‘Your Pavilions’ page to see if you can match up these descriptions to their Pavilions and read the other great ideas on show!
“My Pavilion – La Espalda del Dragon – is inspired by Gaudi`s building Casa Batlló and by oriental art and nature (natural shapes and curves). The roof of the building is curved forming the shape of a dragon’s back. I have used wire, nails, double sided tape and a wooden board as a base. Tissue paper in purple, green and yellow adds colour.”
“The Magic Cafeteria is available for all people who enjoy a chat and food. We first designed a structure called The Death Tower but we realised it was not a pleasant idea to eat or sit in. For this design we used acetate and recycled cardboard. We would like to use oak wood and stained glass with solar panels to create energy from the sun in our real one.”
“My Pavilion is a series of interlocking plates of metal and glass. The model is white card, tape and clear acetate. The architect of the ‘digital cloud’ Serpentine Pavilion, Sou Fujimoto, inspired me to start from scratch and create a Pavilion that captivates and steals attention.”