Winners Announced!
3rd Feb 2016The results are in for the two winners of the Serpentine Galleries Build Your Own Pavilion: Young Architects Challenge! During the competition over 600 entries were received from across the UK, with an exceptionally high standard and level of innovation shown across the board. But although the judges were impressed with all the participants, they felt that these two young architects were remarkable for the imagination and sophistication of their designs.
The winner of the 8-10 years category is 10 year-old Jasmine, from Teddington, whose Pavilion was inspired by spiders’ webs and includes mirrored ramps that visitors would walk up. She wanted her visitors to decide what the shapes of her design mean.
The winner of the 11-14 years category is 13 year-old Nahida, from Tower Hamlets, London, who based her Pavilion on the idea of a scrunched-up piece of paper with vibrant transparent colour incorporated into every crease. She intended for the Pavilion to be a big studio for people to rent out or use for school workshops.
Judge and workshop leader Dejan Mitrovic said: ‘Jasmine’s idea of letting the visitor explore the Pavilion by interpreting and defining the shapes themselves adds another level to the creative excellence of the design. Nahida’s design looks like a 2D pattern turned into a 3D form, with its irregular, yet visually coordinated shapes. I particularly liked the simple palette of colours and the transparent elements that allow natural light into the Pavilion.’
Congratulations to these future architectural stars!